What is Adequate Proof of Expense?

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What is Adequate Proof of Expense?

For a claim to be complete, a claim form must be received along with proof of expenses. (How to Submit? Click Here.)  A valid proof of expense varies depending on the benefit being claimed against.  The requirements are summarized below:

Health FSA, Dependent Care FSA, Premium Reimbursement FSA
An invoice, billing statement, or explanation of benefits (EOB) that includes the following:
  1. The Name of the Claimant
  2. A description of the service/product received or purchased
  3. The date the service/product was incurred or purchase (not date paid for)
  4. The amount you OWE (you do not need to have paid for it, to claim for reimbursement)
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), Medical Expense Reimbursement Plans (MERPs)
At a minimum, the same requirements as the FSA shown above.  However, certain employer designs may be limited to reimbursing gaps in your insurance coverage (deductible, coinsurance, and/or copays).  In such instances it is generally required that you only submit an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance carrier so that we may see how your charges were applied. 

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
The IRS requires the same proof for HSAs as shown above for FSAs.  Note, HSAs do not require Superior State's approval to disperse funds, thus you may draw funds from your HSA without submitting proof to Superior State.  However, the IRS requires you to keep such records for all HSA withdrawals, so it is recommended that you utilize Superior State's services to assist in managing such paperwork, and so you are encouraged to submit proof of expense.  We will then keep the records for you should you ever be audited.

Commuter Plans (Parking / Transit)
For Parking, an original or copy of a parking receipt rendered near or on your employer's business premises.
For Transit, a used transit pass or voucher purchased and used during the period of time being requested for reimbursement.
Note: If no paper receipt is provided in the ordinary course of business, you must certify the expense was incurred on or near the employer's premises (if parking) or for the purpose of getting to and from work (if transit).

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Last Modified:5/14/2014 12:09:20 PM

Last Modified By: Kevin_Murphy

Type: INFO

Level: Novice

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